Tuesday, October 27, 2009


I am so sorry for being MIA for a little chunk there. I came down with a deathly cold that made communication with the world low on my priority list...but I am healthy again!

I made Tofu for the first time
I finally came up with a Halloween costume: Poison Ivy (from Batman)'s socially akward, rude, and dumb cousin Poison OAK!
I still don't have a job
I went to a pumpkin farm and saw pig races!

I am currently sitting in a coffee house/cafe/young people with lap tops kind of joint.
I like to pretend im working on my novel while I pathetically send my resume out to postings on internet job sites.

It was like a sign from above letting me know everything is going to be ok!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Sign me up!

This morning I had an interview with my temp agency for a temp to hire executive assistant position. It's with some hedge fund something or other working directly for the CEO who apparently is something of a tough cookie.

The reason that the position is available is because the girl who had the position previously crumbled, cried, and left.

Oh pretty please hire me!
It will be like..."The Devil wears..Jos. A. Bank!"


On Tuesday evening I had my first night of what will eventually be known (in my E! True Hollywood Story) as my "time at second city". I auditioned and was accepted (thank god) into their conservatory program, which is 5 levels of ensemble building improv with an 8 week show at the end. This entire program will take about a year to finish and will ideally get me in the loop with all of the goings on of the community. It's also a great way to spend a lot of money to stand in a circle holding hands with other adults.

My teacher is an old timer/there from the beginning/wrote a book/kind of mean but for good reason/tough guy. He drops the F bomb more than anyone I know and has a shit ton of stuffs to teach me. I was really inspired by the whole night and I am pretty sure like one week from now Larry David will see me and beg me to meet with him so he can pitch his new HBO series that has already been picked up and his ready to start filming tomorrow in NYC with a Strong funny female lead that would best be filled with a new up and coming improviser...named Katie.....

oh um, hi, what? nothing. never mind.
My grilled cheese is burning, I have to go.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

overheard in an office

"hey man, how you doin?" lawyer 1

"im doin as good as you're doin!" lawyer 2

"well im doing pretty fuckin good!" lawyer 1

"heck yeah!" lawyer 2

Law Firm Shmaw Pirm

Today I got a phone call at 7:00 am from my temp agency lady, Cyndy.
yes that was a spelling choice her family made. She asked If I could be at this law firm by nine, and I pretended I had been up for hours, because WHY would I be sleeping at 7 in the god forsaken morning? Silly Cyndy! I already went for a jog and milked my cows! DUH! So up I hurled myself up and only managed to rip one pair of tights (ok I know they are not really tights, but don't you dare think for one second that I will use any of the other name options). I got onto the crowded train, giving dirty looks to every man sitting down, not offering me a seat, then grabbed a Dunkin coffee because here in the Chicago land they are easier to find than um... rice at a Chinese guy's house?

So I am now thinking about how once again I have been placed in a law firm... do you think goddy wants me to take this as a sign? Perhaps to be a lawyer?..or perhaps to make sure I have legal representation should I rob a bank?...or perhaps to let me wear high heals and pretend I am important?...

So far one person has made eye contact with me, and one person handed me a package.

(I also got a bagel at the Dunkin but i'm too scared to eat it, so I might pass out or something. whatever..something to blog about!)

Back to the Blog

Ok well hi,
it's me Katie!

I moved to Chicago! It's totally windy.

I am about two months into the midwest: doing the job hunt boogie, having fun with random temp jobs, taking improv classes, going on auditions, drinking beer thats less than $9 and saying "pop" again.

So I though I would write down some of these activities!
Sure, why not. Real Original Klein. Whatever, shut up.

Stay tuned for the adventures of:
"Katie..in the wind"