Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Law Firm Shmaw Pirm

Today I got a phone call at 7:00 am from my temp agency lady, Cyndy.
yes that was a spelling choice her family made. She asked If I could be at this law firm by nine, and I pretended I had been up for hours, because WHY would I be sleeping at 7 in the god forsaken morning? Silly Cyndy! I already went for a jog and milked my cows! DUH! So up I hurled myself up and only managed to rip one pair of tights (ok I know they are not really tights, but don't you dare think for one second that I will use any of the other name options). I got onto the crowded train, giving dirty looks to every man sitting down, not offering me a seat, then grabbed a Dunkin coffee because here in the Chicago land they are easier to find than um... rice at a Chinese guy's house?

So I am now thinking about how once again I have been placed in a law firm... do you think goddy wants me to take this as a sign? Perhaps to be a lawyer?..or perhaps to make sure I have legal representation should I rob a bank?...or perhaps to let me wear high heals and pretend I am important?...

So far one person has made eye contact with me, and one person handed me a package.

(I also got a bagel at the Dunkin but i'm too scared to eat it, so I might pass out or something. whatever..something to blog about!)


  1. I don't want to sound like a weirdo or that I love you too much but so far... this is the best blog I've read... ever.

  2. LOL Give in to the law firms Katie. Any free soda?

  3. He means pop. Don't confuse her, Tony.
